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I am Head of the Agriculture and Environment (A&E) Department at the University. The A&E Department hosts over 100 academic and technical staff and represents a unique range of expertise wtihin the UK including:
Within the A&E Department, we undertake four key activities:
Harper Adams University is located in Shropshire, UK, and we operate nationally and internationally in the delivery of our services.Please see https://www.harper-adams.ac.uk/research/ for examples of some of our research activity and https://www.harper-adams.ac.uk/courses/short-course/ for details of our short course portfolio.
My main professional interests is the facilitation and provision of agricultural and environmental education both in the UK and overseas, particularly Africa. I worked on behalf of Harper Adams with Strathmore University in Kenya on the delivery of a 2-year professional qualification for potential employees of the machinery manufacturer, AGCO. We continue to work with AGCO in the development of agricultural education within Africa.
In addition to my interests in agricultural and environmental education, I also have a focus on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) education. I am keen to promote the use of GIS amongst non-GIS specialists and I undertook a Postgraduate Diploma in GIS to underpin my interests in the area. GIS lends itself very well to online delivery and I develop on-line learning training in this area. I am most familiar with ESRI's ArcGIS Desktop and Pro software. I also run my own website www.upskillgis.net that provides free practical GIS training based on ArcGIS Pro.
My academic research interests focus on agricultural ecology with a particular reference to conservation of farmland biodiversity and I have published extensively within this area. My specific research areas include the agro-ecology of field margins, beetlebanks and farmland birds. I am interested in statistical analysis and data presentation and how this can effectively be applied to sustainable agriculture.
Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment
Tel: +44 (0)1952 815373
Fax: +44 (0)1952 814783
X (Twitter): @dr_andy_wilcox
Office: G02 Jubilee Adams, Tudor Lodge and NW Building
Research profile: ORCID
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Harper Adams University supports The National Libraries for AgriFood (NLAF), the online land-based library.
Wildlife (partiiculalry birds), Photography, GIS, Technology, Land use.
Former President International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) 2014-16
Committee Member: Adviscory Committee on Releases to the Envrionment (ACRE)
External Examiner Warwick University: MSc Sustainable Crop Production: Agronomy for the 21st Century
You can contact Professor Andy Wilcox if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:
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