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    Referencing shows the reader of your work where the information you have used comes from. This is important because it protects you from plagiarism, shows you have carried out thorough research and allows your reader to find the sources you have read.

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    Harper Adams University uses the Cite them right: Harvard referencing style.

    Cite them right helps students to reference a huge range of sources: books, journal articles, websites, legal documents... even graffiti and tweets! Developed from the bestselling book Cite them right by Richard Pears and Graham Shields, which is used as the referencing standard at many academic institutions, Cite them right is renowned for its comprehensive coverage. 

    How to use Cite them right:

    • Complete the interactive referencing tutorial or browse the 'Basics' section to learn how to write citations and build accurate references.
    • Search the site to find the source you need to reference.
    • Use the You try feature to build your reference and email it to yourself for easy incorporation into your essay.

    Video guides

    How to cite and reference some common items:

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    RefWorks is software which allows you to create an online record for the resources you have used. You can then use those records to create references in the Cite them right Harvard style.

    You can login to RefWorks via the institutional login using your Harper ID and password - but if you wish to use the Citation Manager function, you need to have a personal account.

    To use RefWorks you will need to create an account.

    RefWorks video guides

    View the RefWorks YouTube channel for expert videos on how to get the best out of RefWorks.

    Contact us for more information.

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