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    The Technology Enhance Learning Department provides an expert consultancy service to staff seeking advice on how to make the most of technology in their day-to-day teaching, assessment strategy and course design.

    Members of our team are available for discussions upon request as well as being regular contributors to the university’s Teaching and Learning Forums.

    We can provide help and information on the background pedagogy behind technology enhanced learning and provide examples of best practice both at Harper Adams University and other institutions.

    Our department can offer recommendations on which types of technology will help you achieve your goals and trial new software and equipment upon request. If you have a larger scale project in mind we can also advise you on finding funding and help you to fully develop and manage a pilot study.

    A comprehensive programme of training is available throughout the academic year in all areas relating to TE-Learning.

    For further information on details of staff training, and for ATP related enquires, please contact a member of the team:

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