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    Joining Instructions

    Learning information

    The Learning Hub

    The Learning Hub is our virtual learning environment (VLE). Here you will find useful information including all key postgraduate forms you may require during your study:

    • Module postponement/transfer/withdrawal
    • Course transfer
    • Mitigating circumstances - extension requests
    • Timetable - hand in and return dates
    • Withdrawal form

    There is also information on:

    • Specific course sections
    • What the local area has to offer
    • Meetings of interest and local associations
    • Module information (including module descriptor) and scheme of work will be available on each module you are registered on

    Assignment hand-in and collection

    Most assignments are online submission only but any that are hard copy are handed in and collected from the Assignment office FF18 in the Faccenda Centre

    Please note that any assignments not collected within the academic year will only be stored for 6 months and then destroyed - so please make sure they are collected

    Cookies on the Harper Adams University website

    We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the website. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time.