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    Sygenta Scholarship: Grace Welling

    22 June 2018

    Harper Adams University student Grace Welling has been awarded the Syngenta Scholarship, which includes a placement year with the company.

    The 20-year-old BSc (Hons) Agriculture with Crop Management student from Winchester, Hampshire, said: “The Syngenta placement is a research and development based year. I’ll be focusing on field trials and chemical developments, providing a great opportunity for the development of agronomic knowledge.

    “The scholarship provides the opportunity to maximise my learning within Harper Adams including, but not limited to, the possibility of funding APHA training days.

    “However, ultimately the attached placement is the main benefit of securing the position due to the multitude of tasks and learning opportunities within the role.

    “I'm honoured to have a received such a prestigious position in such a well-regarded corporation within the industry.”



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