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    1914-1918 First World War Centenary

    7 October 2018

    Geoffrey Francis Robinson, was born on 3 April 1885, to Mary Helen Robinson and Francis Wingfield Robinson of Claremont House, Shrewsbury.

    On 22 April 1902, only one year after the opening of the College, he enrolled on the Harper Adams Diploma course at the age of 18.  He left on 20 June 1904 for engineering work preparatory to going abroad to work as a tea planter.

    He died on 21 May 1915 age 30 and is remembered with honour at Le Touret Memorial.


    The Le Touret Memorial, Pas de Calais, commemorates over 13,400 British soldiers who were killed in this sector of the Western Front from the beginning of October 1914 to the eve of the Battle of Loos in late September 1915 and who have no known grave.

    Almost all of the men commemorated on the Memorial served with regular or territorial regiments from across the United Kingdom and were killed in actions that took place along a section of the front line that stretched from Estaires in the north to Grenay in the south.

    Following the British capture of the village of Neuve Chapelle in March 1915, the Germans greatly strengthened their defences along the ridge, reinforcing their positions with thick barbed wire entanglements, concrete blockhouses and machine gun emplacements. These extra defences frustrated British attempts to break through enemy lines and led to very heavy casualties at the battles of Aubers Ridge (9 – 10 May 1915) and Festubert (15 – 25 May 1915).



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