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    The Christmas Countdown: 7 Days to go!

    18 December 2018

    As Christmas draws ever closer we look back at the last year and how Harper has developed and grown. This Christmas countdown will highlight the achievements of the University and showcase what makes Harper so unique.

    7 days to go...

    7 students awarded Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society Scholarships

    Seven Harper Adams University students have been awarded scholarships worth £1,500 each from the Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society to contribute towards their research and tuitions fees.

    Following the formal presentation ceremony of the scholarships, the Society’s President Mr Graham Morley: “I’ve had a whole career of dealing with young people and students, so I’m absolutely delighted to give out these scholarships to young people. Especially in these more difficult financial times for students.

    To read the full article click here



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