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    Avara Foods (BPC Scholarship - Engineering) with placement: Rebecca Websdale

    25 February 2019

    Rebbecca Websdale, 20, from Walkington, East Yorkshire is a second year MEng Mechanical Engineering student and recipient of Avara Foods (BPC Scholarship - Engineering)

    “From a young age I lived next door to a pig farm, my house was built primarily by my father, a time served engineer, and with many smaller jobs such as fixing our defender I could lend a hand.

    “I chose this course due to the broad range of opportunities available at Harper Adams; partnered with this, my determination will help me to achieve the status of chartered engineer in a variety of sectors within the manufacturing industry.

    “The poultry industry has a wide range of opportunities within manufacturing. To date I have not gained any experience within the poultry sector, however getting this fantastic opportunity will provide me with engineering experience within this environment.

    “I believe that a placement with Avara foods is going to stretch me to my full potential, by allowing me to expand my knowledge and skills on the job. To be able to work in such a dynamic environment will help further my determination for success, while seizing every opportunity available. The opportunity to work with Avara is incredible as being a new company, through Faccenda & Cargill they have a long history of successful and high-quality manufacturing operations via sustaining and improving their processes for optimum efficiency.

    “This scholarship will assist me with my career as I would be able to travel to the Women in Engineering conferences and expose me to a wider network of experienced engineers. Even though poultry may not have been my original career path, getting this placement from Avara is an invaluable experience that I am so thankful for as it will help me to achieve my dream of a first-class master’s degree in engineering and assist with my desire to become a fully chartered engineer.”




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