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    Harper Adams Club Postgraduate Scholar: Jonathan Glen

    27 February 2019

    Jonathan Glen, 23, is a recipient of the Harper Adams Club Postgraduate Scholarship Award. He is a fifth year MEng Agricultural Engineering student.

    “My agricultural background is in dairy farming both in Ireland and New Zealand. However, I also an eye for continually improving how things are done, which I believe is in part the ethos of engineering,” says Jonathan, from London.

    “Agricultural Engineering at Harper Adams University has opened up horizons as to how not only the dairy sector can be improved but the entire agri-food production and supply chain sector as whole.” A student in exactly the right place, it seems.

    Prior to applying for the scholarship, he has enjoyed a diverse range of experiences. “I have been a herd manager in New Zealand; I have led the manufacturing launch of new car for a global car manufacturer; I have helped lead the recruitment of new engineers into the agri-food industry.”

    Jonathan is keen to look beyond agriculture for inspiration. “I went into the car industry on my placement year deliberately to learn about the philosophies and methodologies that have helped save a number of manufacturing industries with the vision of transferring this knowledge into the agri-food sector to inspire continual improvement through the adoption of lean, quality assurance and agile thinking.”

    The scholarship is set to prove crucial on Jonathan’s career trajectory. “I applied for the scholarship as I could see no reasonable way to progress my education in Lean Six Sigma practices which are needed to help me in my mission to improve agribusiness. It will bring me up to an internationally recognised standard of practice, allowing me to make effective and meaningful change in the industry. Following this, the possibilities are endless both within the agricultural and engineering sector.”



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