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    Brewer’s Goose Scholar: Georgina Gater-Moore

    6 March 2019

    Georgina Gater-Moore, fourth year BSc Hons Agriculture student and recipient of the Brewer’s Goose scholarship.

    “I applied for the Brewer’s Goose Scholarship as I felt it was aimed directly at students like me who are hoping to develop a business after finishing at Harper Adams. I also really appreciated the concept that Fred Hammond (Brewer’s Goose founder) was using proceeds from his new business to support a like-minded and aspiring student”, says Georgina, 22.

    “Receiving this scholarship will allow me to invest in my fledgling business via funding the process of having my sheep fleeces spun into wool. Profits from wool sales will then be further invested in the purchase of more ewes, expanding the business and really helping it get on its feet.”

    Plunging into agricultural business proved a surprise to some of those close to Georgina, from Cheshire. “With no family background in farming, my decision to study Agriculture came as a bit of a shock to friends, family and teachers that weren’t aware of my interest in the industry, which stemmed from an experience feeding pet lambs at the age of 13. That initial experience led to years helping out local farmers and peaking at the age of 17 when I purchased my first 8 breeding ewes.

    “I applied to Harper Adams with a desire to learn as much as I could about the industry I wanted to be part of, and I’ve learnt so much about many aspects of not just livestock farming but arable, fresh produce, and farm business. My time at Harper has been instrumental in cementing my aspirations to work in agriculture, and managing and expanding my small flock whilst studying has taught me many practical skills and life lessons.”

    A very busy and hands-on life has not stopped Georgina having additional interests. “When not studying or working my sheep I enjoy playing rugby, and writing for my personal blog - where I cover a range of topics including agricultural issues and personal experiences. I also spend time managing social media profiles for myself and an agricultural PR company, creating and sharing content, engaging with followers and monitoring progress. This is something I’m particularly interested in and am hoping to develop further.”



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