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@aldrikg van @minlnv en @mcthscholten van @WUR verzorgen introductie tijdens seminar over kringlooplandbouw tijdens regioconferentie EU Landbouwraden in Londen ism Harper Adams University @AgriLondon @timheddema @AgroBericht pic.twitter.com/C1w7hEQOIp
— Cindy Heijdra (@CindyHeijdra) March 7, 2019
@LEAFchief “we are eating the wrong food 50% is ultra processed ” #circularagriculture
— Paul Temple (@PaulWoldfarm) 7 March 2019
At the @AgriLondon & @HarperAdamsUni seminar on #circularagriculture, @Boerenverstand highlighting the benefits of low input. Improving soil quality is of major importance. #kringlooplandbouw pic.twitter.com/9HGXQPNr6F
— Tim Heddema (@timheddema) 7 March 2019
Caroline Drummond @LEAFchief on #circularagriculture: the opportunities are real! #kringlooplandbouw @AgriLondon @HarperAdamsUni pic.twitter.com/vhdcOYfzpU
— Tim Heddema (@timheddema) 7 March 2019
?@LEAFchief? Caroline Drummond on #circularagriculture where all is connected. She has been linking Environment and Farming for 28 yrs and knows. pic.twitter.com/oTrTqnNcJv
— Renske Nijland (@renskenijland) 7 March 2019
Caroline Drummond, “we don’t grow what we should be eating”. #circularagriculture
— Paul Temple (@PaulWoldfarm) 7 March 2019
Good to hear Dutch Government support the need for modern plant breeding. #circularagriculture
— Paul Temple (@PaulWoldfarm) 7 March 2019
#circularagriculture #kringlooplandbouw an exciting discussion around the need for technology and innovation in ensuring we drive real change in creating and making sure we really base new ways around sound science bringing consumers with us will be key pic.twitter.com/MeEAU2qJbS
— Caroline Drummond (@LEAFchief) 7 March 2019
Professor Martin Scholten @mcthscholten from Wageningen University @WUR explaining the concept of circular agriculture at the @AgriLondon & @HarperAdamsUni seminar on the topic. #circularagriculture #kringlooplandbouw @WURanimal pic.twitter.com/A9vS0jnz8c
— Tim Heddema (@timheddema) 7 March 2019
@NLinUK #CircularEconomy talking #circularagriculture learning new ways of transformative approaches for future farming with the Dutch @mcthscholten pic.twitter.com/fvIxjFCeOO
— Caroline Drummond (@LEAFchief) 7 March 2019
Excellent initiative by @AgriLondon to organise an expert meeting about #CircularAgriculture. How to incentivise farmers and growers to produce in the most resource efficient way possible? A relevant topic for both the Netherlands and the UK. https://t.co/8Y8yC9DMk0
— Dutch Ambassador UK (@sjhsmits) 2 March 2019
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