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Heather Vivash, BSc (Hons) Animal Science student and recipient of the Stockcroft Scholarship.
“Growing up in Manchester I had nothing to do with the rural community until relatively late, having come to Harper Adams I have learned that I am very passionate about livestock, especially pigs. Having the award means that I can stand out from others when applying for jobs in the future, especially as this is a pig related scholarship and in my future career I hope to work in the pig sector”, says Heather, 21.
“When I got the call to say that Stockcroft would like to offer me the scholarship I was initially really shocked, but I am incredibly proud to be receiving it and would like to thank them for giving me more confidence in my abilities. Financially this will support me in my final year so that I can concentrate fully on my studies, and also help me believe in myself.”
“I have always had a deep love of animals. From a young age my parents would take me to zoos and open farms where I was fascinated by the animals. Before coming to university I did a lot of volunteer work to increase my knowledge, and from there I was completely besotted. On my placement year I decided that I should get some experience with breeding sows and went to work for Fawley Farms on a 2000-strong breeding unit in Devon. Safe to say, I know for definite that I love the pig industry.”
As well as an obvious passion for animal husbandry, Heather also has an artistic side. When I am not studying, I love art - and especially painting animals. I have also previously studied ballet and I would love to start studying again in the future.”
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