Jamie Stevenson, MSc Agro-Ecology student and recipient of the Organic Farmers and Growers Bill Allen Memorial Scholarship.
“Having decided to continue studying after my BSc (Hons) for another year at Harper Adams University for an MSc in Agro-Ecology the opportunity to apply for a scholarship designed specifically for my MSc programme was one not to miss. I knew that the funding would help support and enhance my time at Harper Adams University, but I had also been informed of how supportive the scholarship providers were to students during their studies”, says Jamie, 26.
“Having been successful in my application, the backing that has been given by the Organic Farmers and Growers has been second to none. The advice that I have received and the contacts that I have been introduced to have been invaluable, allowing me to broaden my understanding of the organic agriculture sector and get an ambitious Masters Research Project off the ground.”
Studying at Harper marked a significant life change for Jamie, from Cheadle, Staffordshire. “I came to Harper Adams to study for my BSc (Hons) in Countryside and Environmental Management having left a full-time job, during which I had studied part-time for my Foundation Degree of Science. My time during that year at Harper Adams was fantastic and having graduated with a 1st Class Honours Degree, I knew that my previous dreams of studying for a Masters degree were becoming a reality.
“So far the course has been fantastic, introducing me to a new subjects and changing my way of thinking about the subject and topics in general. I hope to continue enjoying the course as much as I have done so far for the rest of the year and I am looking forward to the topics we are due to cover.”
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