Adam Reader, 20, is a second year Agriculture with Animal Science student and recipient of The British Poultry Council Scholarship.
“After completing my GCSE’s I knew Agriculture was the career path I wanted to take. A family friend took me on and helped lay the foundation of my agriculture knowledge on dairy and sheep. After working with him I was set on further gaining more skills and knowledge in farming, so I successfully applied for a student harvest job and gained an insight to the arable sector.
“I chose to come to Harper Adams because it gets a good name in Northern Ireland and I was encouraged by farmers I knew that it was a great place to study. After I graduate I wish to go into farm management with the ambition to go on to successfully run my own farm business.
“The poultry industry is encouraging young people to come on board and are promoting various and diverse job opportunities and I believe I have transferable skills to bring to this sector.
“I applied for the British Poultry Council Scholarship Award because I wished to explore a new area in the Agriculture Industry. I have worked previously on Arable and Dairy farms carrying out jobs such as bedding, feeding cattle and young stock and relief milking both in Northern Ireland and England. I felt it was time to take on new challenges and learn about the food production in another sector of the Agriculture industry.
“This Scholarship will also allow me to further develop and learn new skills and knowledge on farm management and the entire poultry process. I believe this will have a fantastic impact on my future career in Agriculture as I will have gained a broad range of experience making my decision on final career path a lot easier. I do hope to take advantage of my experience and be able to go on to further manage other poultry farms one day on my own.
“I would like to give a special thank you to Avara Foods for sponsoring me and I look forward to a productive and successful year with them.”
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