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    Mays-Smith Scholarship: Kate Westall

    9 April 2019

    Kate Westall, 22 from Newbury, is a final year Food, Nutrition, and Well-Being student and recipient of the Mays-Smith Scholarship.

    Kate was very pleased to receive a scholarship and expressed how it will help her, she said, “I would like to thank Lady Eliza and the Development Trust for awarding me with the Mays-Smith Scholarship. I applied for this award to help enable me to spend more money on resources for my education, and help ease my living costs. I have since purchased more books that I can use now and refer to again in the future, and have found more I would like to purchase upon receipt of my scholarship. I also hope to attend courses and gain more qualifications prior to leaving university in order to further improve my education and employability.

    “Being able to access more resources will help me to achieve my goal of earning a first class honours degree in Food, Nutrition, and Well-Being at Harper Adams University, and progress further in my career within the food industry. I also hope to return to university in the future to complete a Master’s degree, and would like to do this knowing I have earned the best grade possible as an undergraduate. I am truly grateful that I have been awarded with this scholarship, and am pleased that I can represent Harper Adams University.

    “I am currently in my final year studying Food, Nutrition, and Well-Being. I chose to study this as I have always been interested in food and how it impacts our bodies. The variety of modules on this course has enabled me to expand my knowledge on a wide range of topics about the food industry and human nutrition. This complements my love for cooking and running.

    Kate is very active outside of her studying, she said, “In my spare time, I am also a Beaver and Cub Scout leader, and particularly enjoy teaching the children about healthy eating and developing their cooking skills. In the future I look forward to working within the food industry and learning more about how different products are manufactured, and hopefully go on to complete a Master’s degree in the future.

    “I have been a leader within the Scout Association for almost seven years, and have worked in three different groups at home, and whilst at university and on placement. Within this, I have been a leader to various age groups between six and fourteen years old. My favourite topic to teach the children about is healthy eating through a variety of activities which have included learning about the Eatwell Guide and looking at the sugar content of different foods.”



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