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Charlotte Scott, 20, from Stogursey, is a second year Rural Enterprise and Land Management student and recipient of The CLA Charitable Trust Scholarship.
Charlotte said, “I was ecstatic and exceptionally grateful to have received this very generous scholarship, and I would like to thank the CLA Charitable Trust, for awarding it to me. It will greatly support my upcoming placement year with Greenslade Taylor Hunt, a firm of rural surveyors, land agents, and auctioneers based in the South-West of England, as well as in addition to my continuing studies at Harper Adams University.
“I applied for the CLA Charitable Trust Scholarship, because I felt the scholarship would help towards my studies at Harper Adams, as well as the great networking opportunities it would open up to many industry experts.”
Charlotte is very keen to get involved with the CLA Charitable Trust, she said, “I am thoroughly looking forward to working alongside the CLA at some of their events throughout the year and I look forward to heading to London to visit their head office. One of the Charitable Trusts aims is: To promote education about the countryside for young people from towns and cities and those who are disadvantaged, this is something I am passionate about, I have been involved in a similar campaign with the National Federation of Young Farmers where the Youth Forum designed a game, ‘Watch that Cowpat’. The game was designed to educate children and young people about where the food they eat comes from.
Charlottes home life influenced her choices in studying agriculture, she said, “Having grown up within the dairy industry and a background in Agriculture, I decided to study Agriculture with Mechanisation at college, during my studies I was required to carry out one day’s work experience on a weekly basis, of which I did with a land agents and then my local livestock market. I thoroughly enjoyed my days over the two years and it was at this point that I decided on my future career. In order to pursue my ambitions of becoming a Rural Chartered Surveyor and Livestock Auctioneer, I chose to study Rural Enterprise and Land Management, a course that seemed obvious after thoroughly enjoying my time with the two firms.
“When I am not at University I can be found spending my time competing and socialising with Bridgwater Young Farmers, at home in Somerset. My main passion in young farmers is stock judging, having represented my club from county up to national level. In addition, I have carried out many roles within young farmers, including South West Area secretary and County Stock judging Chairwoman, with my most recent being the National Federation of Young Farmers Youth Forum Vice-Chairperson 2018/19. I addition to this I have also won the South West Area Junior Member of the Year finals twice, in 2015 and 2017, before going on to be placed 2nd in the National finals in 2015.
“As well my love for young farmers, I have a great passion for livestock, in particular Hampshire Down sheep. In early 2018, I had the opportunity to establish my own small flock of Hampshire Downs, the ‘Whortleberry Flock’ of which has steadily grown over the past 12 months and during the summer months I can be found travelling to many Agricultural Shows, to compete with mine and my families sheep.
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