Maddie Evans, from Upton-Upon-Severn, Worcestershire, is an Agri-Food Marketing with Business Studies student and recipient of The Studley College Trust Scholarship.
“I applied to The Studley College Trust Scholarship to invest further in my personal skills before going into employment by attending a management trainee course. I think this will be a great opportunity to improve CV and make it stand out from the rest of the competition when applying for a job in the future. Secondly, the scholarship will help me financially in my final year so I can concentrate on my studies.
“Lastly, I would like to thank The Studley College Trust for sponsoring me through my last year so that I can strive to improve my skills through additional management courses to improve my CV for potential employers and also financially supporting me through my final year of university. It has given me so much more confidence in myself, as well as helping me – Thank you!”
“Being brought up and helping on my family’s arable farm in Worcestershire has not only given me great enthusiasm for wanting to run a successful business but it has given me valuable knowledge of all aspects of the agricultural industry.
“A combination of work experience within the hospitality sector and being a part of a farming family were the main reasons for me to choose my degree. Agri-Food Marketing with Business Studies is a very diverse course, with modules that range from Animal Production, Food Marketing to starting and developing a business.
“Throughout college and university, I have always aspired to build my own business; when having the opportunity to work for John Deere on my placement year, I gained insight into a large global business and it also gave me the opportunity to network with other business owners.
“However, I feel that the corporate world is not for me and I would prefer to return to my roots and start my own business. I have visions of pursuing a career in the hospitality sector by developing a ‘Glamping’ business as a diversification enterprise based at our family farm.
“I have always strived to push myself out of my comfort zone – before coming to Harper Adams I helped provide solar panelling for a school in Tanzania and also helped within a school which I am very proud of.
“I have also gained a competitive placement with John Deere where I received the opportunity to travel around Europe doing hospitality events and training managers on software. It was an experience which was extremely challenging but also very rewarding!”
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