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Some of the Final Year BSc @HarperAdamsUni #vetphysio students handing in their Major Research Projects last week. Well done everyone for all that hard work! pic.twitter.com/eXu9fHAjy8
— @VetPhysioHAU (@vetphysiohau) May 8, 2019
View this post on InstagramDONE! ?????? and handed in with two of my favourite friends ?? #dissy #done #happy
A agribusiness, agriculture, alumna, alumni, alumnus, animals, awards, B BUCS, C careers, charity, competition, conservation, countryside, crops, D dissertation, E ecology, engineering, entomologist, entomology, equine, F farmsafety, fieldwork, food, food science, foodstudents, foodstyling, forestry, G geography, graduate, H HarperinIreland, HarperIreland, HAUrow, hockey, I ireland, L land and property management, M masters, mentalhealth, motorsport, MProf, N nutrition, P physiotherapy, placement, postgraduate, property, R realm, reusable, rowing, rural, S Scholarship, sponsor, sport, staff, Student, studentlife, students, studytour, SU, surveyor, T technology, U undergraduate, V vegan, vetphysio, volunteers, W wildlife, win, Z zoology
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