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    Top tips for Welcome Week!

    15 May 2019

    1. Make sure you don’t lock yourself up in your room whilst your new flatmates get to know each other. If you hear chitter chatter from the kitchen get out and introduce yourself, no matter how daunting.
    2. Once you’ve made an acquaintance or two, don’t stop there. Use the safety in numbers to go and knock on a few flats and make some more.
    3. Get yourself unpacked early doors. You’ll be a busy bee in the days and weeks that follow.
    4. Get to know your surroundings. Start with your halls – where’s the laundry room, reception, friend’s flat, bar and so on. Then move on to your wider surroundings. Think along the lines of: Where are you going to do a ‘proper’ food shop? Where are lectures held?
    5. Go to the fresher’s fair. This is your chance to have a look at what societies are on offer. Societies provide you with the perfect opportunity to pursue their extracurricular interest, no matter how quirky, and Harper offers plenty!
    6. Work out a budget and stick to it. Get your cash out at the beginning of each week, it’s far easier to keep track - no one wants to just be eating 10p noodle pots for the rest of the year!
    7. Contribute – whether you’re friends or not, living with a group of people is a team game. Help out with the washing up, general cleaning and other household chores.
    8. Go for big food shops. A good old bulk shop will cost you a great deal less than daily trips and mean you’ve always got something to eat at home.
    9. If you’re not sharing or cooking together, cook in bulk and keep things refrigerated or get them in the freezer. This is a far more cost-effective way of looking after yourself.
    10. If its not yours - don't use it ! This can be the number 1 reason for fall outs between flatmates. If someone has something you want to use - ask!

    One extra that I personally think is the most important for Harper...if you have any fancy dress BRING IT! You never know what theme the bars, socials or events may have each week. A small fancy dress box could save you tonnes of money in the long run!

    By Jess Millbank

    Top tips for Welcome Week!



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