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    Velcourt Dairy Scholarship: Rodney Phair

    15 May 2019

    Rodney Phair, 20 from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, (pictured far right) is a second year BSc Agriculture with animal science and recipient of the Velcourt Dairy Scholarship.

    “I feel privileged and overwhelmed to have been awarded the Velcourt Dairy Scholarship 2019 and the opportunity it will provide to enable me to work for such a large reputable company. This Scholarship I know will give me many opportunities to advance my knowledge in the Dairy Sector when I carry out my placement on their large-scale dairy farm in Dorset, which is currently milking 1,000 cows on a 3,500-acre estate. The opportunity to join their trainee farm management scheme after the completion of my degree is a great incentive for me to work hard at my studies and to gain good marks in my degree.

    Rodney shared his journey in agriculture “I am from a dairy, beef and sheep farm in Enniskillen in Northern Ireland. I started studying general agriculture at Harper Adams University initially, however being from a livestock background I struggled with the crop aspect of the course and decided to change to specialising in Agriculture with Animal Science. My ambitions are to become a dairy farm manager in the future with an interest in travelling to learn about different systems within the industry. When I am not studying, I am a keen member of Letterbreeen Silver Band as well as being involved in our local clay pigeon club at home.

    “I have been an active member of Harper Ireland since starting university which has enabled me to make friends for life as well as gaining many invaluable contacts for the future. In addition to my academic achievements, so far I have completed my silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award with Rossorry Scouts in Enniskillen, which was a scout troop I was involved with for 10 years while growing up.

    “My ambition is to become a leading farm manager within the dairy sector therefore being awarded the Velcourt Scholarship I believe affords me the perfect opportunity to learn about the dairy industry and I am absolutely delighted therefore that I now have a unique opportunity to learn and avail of the many opportunities that this Company can offer me both at home and abroad in the future.”

    Velcourt Dairy Scholarship: Rodney Phair



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