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Danielle Rhodes is coming towards the end of her first year at Harper Adams, studying BSc (Hons) Food Technology and Product Development. However, Danielle’s Harper journey began in the summer of 2017, following her first year of college at the Food Science Summer School.
The three day event appealed to Danielle who is keen to pursue a career in food product development – following high recommendation from her college tutors.
She said: “My tutors really endorsed the summer school to have the opportunity to see what the lectures were going to be like at Harper and find out more about careers. They said it would really help me out and it definitely did.
“I want to get into a career developing better ready meals. They’re so high in fat and sugar – there tends to be around 500 calories in a small ready meal which is just insane, so I’d like to help make a difference.
“We had taster lectures going on that really helped me understand what the course would offer and what was going to be expected of me. They also covered what the industry would want from me and how the university help boost standards in the field.”
The school is a great chance for A-Level students to gain a taste of what university life is like – with many of our students experiencing independence for the first time when becoming a fresher.
“I really enjoyed the freedom and the ambassadors were really nice as well as the lecturers. Over the three days we stayed in dorms and everything. It really showed us what university would be like.”
Prior to the summer school, Danielle was unsure which university stood out to her the most. However, the three days helped her make the big decision.
“The school helped me choose which university I wanted to go to – before it I was considering other universities. But, for me, Harper was definitely the best out of all of them. The taster lessons helped especially, as it really showed that this is what I want to be learning.”
Apply for the 2019 Food Science Summer School
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