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    Lewis Scholar: Thomas Kirby

    5 June 2019

    Thomas Kirby, BSc Agriculture, has been awarded the Lewis Scholarship to aid in his continued studies. Tom, 24, was delighted to be awarded the scholarship after enjoying the interview part of the application process.

    On being awarded the scholarship Tom said: "Representing Mr and Mrs Lewis as their chosen scholar gives me great pride and increased motivation in my future endeavours. My career aspirations of becoming an agronomist may and I hope, cause us to cross paths again. This scholarship will help finance my final months in academia and allow me to invest in gaining further experience in the agronomy sector whether it be travel expenses or literature it will certainly be put to productive use."

    Tom's farming experience began two years before he attended Harper Adams during which time he was employed on a mixed farm in his home county of Warwickshire, this was supplemented by a number of placements with companies such as Greenvale AP and Syngenta UK.

    On his placement year Tom said: "My placement year allowed me to gain an insight into the production, registration and application processes for current and new chemicals. I found though I missed my farming fix, combining this with field walking with agronomist from Hutchinsons and Agrii I have entered fourth year with a fulfilled understanding and refined career aspiration of becoming an Agronomist indefinitely."



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