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    Land and Property Management Careers and Placements Fair 2019

    31 October 2019

    Today, Harper Adams University hosted its annual Land and Property Management careers fair, providing students with the opportunity to seek out conversations with those in the industry.  With over 50 professionals offering both graduate and placement experience, the event in the Queen Mother Hall proved successful with a large number of students attending.

    Simon Keeble, the Principal Lecturer for Land, Farm and Agri-Business Management, commented, “What’s amazing is that 50 land agents are here and you won’t get that kind of opportunity any other time of the year.  From the students point of view, they can talk about graduate and placement jobs with current and past students to get a real flavour of what the industry will be like.” Having these conversations is what makes this event such a success as current students can get a true reflection of what their placement or graduate position might look like.

    Another Harper member of the Fisher German team was Charlotte Jones, who’s advice to any current students looking for employment experience was to “get stuck in, work through the challenges, and take up the opportunities presented to you”.  Having completed her placement year, Charlotte was offered graduate employment with the company and is working hard to complete her degree without the "added pressure of finding a job" after graduation.

    The event was a great success and works to help Harper students get the most out of their degree in both educational and practical experience.

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