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The 2019 winners of the Hackathon AGRO have returned to Harper Adams University on their UK tour.
Co-organised by the UK embassy in Uruguay, the winners showcased their idea for using technology in self-feeders for cattle. Their idea would help to record what the animals eat and for how long, in real time. Coming from backgrounds in mechanics, business, biology, agriculture, architecture and IT, each of the team brought a critical part to the development and execution of the proposed idea. Now developing a working prototype of their pitch, the tour enabled the winners to speak to leading professionals and foster working relationships.
Exploring campus, Ignacio Figueredo, Inés da Rosa, Juan Sartori and Erica Poses, saw robotics and engineering with Sam Wane; the operation of our drones and farming techniques with Jonathan Gill and spent some time at the Crop and Environment Research Centre (CERC).
The #HackathonAgro2019 winning team @ErikaPoses, @inesfaravelli, @FigueredoNacho and @juanisartorii are @HarperAdamsUni. This afternoon with @ipm_tom learning about #Entomology research. Welcome to Harper!!@CutiUy @ANDEUruguay @UKinUruguay #ARU #HackathonAGRO @ExpoPrado pic.twitter.com/A9jU2Mw2Gm
— Dr Leticia Chico (@letichs) November 7, 2019
The team were enthusiastic in learning as much as possible while on their tour with Juan explaining how “wonderful” the Harper experience had been in showing them “the beautiful campus” and the “amazing technology”.
Los ganadores de la #HackathonAGRO recorren hoy @HarperAdamsUni en el cuarto día de su visita a ????.
— Embajada Británica ???????? (@UKinUruguay) November 7, 2019
Esta es una universidad líder en el sector de agro tecnología, en la que verán innovaciones e investigaciones que pretenden beneficiar a la producción agropecuaria. @ANDEUruguay https://t.co/cfCs5cBvx9
To learn more about the Hackathon Agro, please click here.
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