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    National Sausage Week comes to Harper Adams

    6 November 2019

    Last week, Harper Adams celebrated National Sausage Week and showcased some of our own culinary delights.  We produced a selection of our own sausages in a variety of flavours including the Cumberland, minted lamb, beef with wholegrain, and pork and leek as well as experimenting with more unique flavours.

    As part of our project of sustainability across campus, we use our own reared pork from the farm, butchered by hand on site.  95% of pork consumed on campus is from our own pig unit, where Large White Landrace Pietrain Cross are reared for use. Over 10,000kg of pork is fed to students and conference guests every year, coming from the fortnightly batches to be able to sell 650 sausages for every day we are open.  In doing so, we’re lowering the miles in our meals as well as giving the students the opportunity to get involved in pig farming and food technology.

    Furthermore, our other meats are locally sourced in support of businesses near to Harper Adams.  All of our Texel Cross Suffolk Mule lambs are raised on the Chetwynd Deer Park, less than two miles away.  Along with this, for the Christmas meals this year, Harper’s own rose veal Limousin crossbreed is being utilised alongside the lamb.  Ruminant Technician, Nicola Naylor, and butcher, Jason Hilliard, are key to the success of our sustainable lamb.

    It is not only meat we source locally.  Harper Adams also supports Henry Johnson’s local farm that supply the university with Katie and Cox Orange Pippin apples.  They are handpicked and delivered straight to campus, free from any polishing processes.

    One of our other sustainability projects see students and staff across campus using reusable cups.  You can read more about the project for #SustainableHarper here.



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