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    From cow fit-bit to career success: Meet Monty Payne

    2 December 2019

    Monty Payne is a recent graduate of BSc Agriculture with Animal Science who, at his graduation, was awarded with the Society of Biology Top Student Award. Having been so successful at Harper Adams, Monty returned to speak about his research and career.

    As part of his Honours Research Project, Monty worked on a cow ‘fit-bit’, a piece of technology designed to sensor dairy heifers. With the data readings that he would collect daily, he worked in collaboration with Emma Bleach, a senior lecturer who specialises in dairy, to research early disease detection in calves.

    Monty spoke about his university experience as a positive and rewarding time in his life. He said, “It was amazing to be recognised for the award. Although I didn’t have the greatest success at A Level, I found a subject I’m passionate about and put my all into. Both placement and study were informative in my career now as I work within a red meat supply chain.”

    Working at Blade Farming, Monty travels the country purchasing dairy and beef cross calves for the rearing units. With his background in research, he uses the skills and knowledge he gained in his degree to inform his business decisions.

    Monty’s advice to others starting at university is to “get stuck in” and, by taking up the opportunities offered to you, you can learn a great deal inside and outside of the classroom.

    To find out more about the degrees on offer at Harper Adams University, you can visit us on our Open Campus Day on December 16th 2019.



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