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    Harper graduate welcomed into Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

    2 January 2020

    After studying BSc Rural Enterprise and Land Management at Harper Adams, graduate Charlotte Newton has gone on to achieve membership with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). As the world's leading professional body for qualified surveyors, Charlotte has joined an esteemed body to further add to her degree knowledge.

    Following on from her degree studying management of rural land in a business context, Charlotte's thesis and presentation to RICS centred on the valuation and agriculture tenancies. She gained a foundation for such knowledge at Harper, going on to work for Vickers & Barrass, a land agent and chartered surveyors business to further her understanding with real world experience. With her new qualification and membership, Charlotte is looking to develop her career further, specialising in valuations, landlord and tenant matters, town and country planning and agricultural subsidies and grants among other matters.

    She said: "I'm lucky to have a job I thoroughly enjoy, and I am delighted to have attained professional accreditation so quickly in my career.

    "Farmers and landowners across the region face a number of difficult rural and business issues on a daily basis, so I'm looking forward to continuing to provide them with the best possible professional advice and expertise that I can."

    Should you be interested in a career in chartered surveying, you can find out more by attending our Land and Property Management experience day or viewing our REALM courses for both undergraduate and postgraduate level.



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