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    The Bamford Digital Library

    5 January 2021

    The Bamford Library closed its physical doors on the 5th January until further notice - with the exception of Monday afternoon and Friday morning. Friday mornings are to collect Click and Collect books. Click and Sit will also be available during these times.

    The digital library will continue to be available 24/7 whereby all our online resources will be accessible via HOLLY, HARLO and through our paid subscriptions

    Our Digital Library Services (such as Livechat,, one-to-one bookings with librarians and via Teams) will also be staffed:

    Monday - Friday (9:00 -17:00 Remote support)


    The Library Services page on the Learning Hub and the Library Website are also available 24/7 with links to relevant information and a number of instructive videos providing support on using library resources.



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