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    Requesting print books

    5 January 2021

    From Wednesday 6th January, staff will only be onsite in the library on Monday afternoons from 12 - 5, and Friday mornings from 8 - 12.

    On Mondays we will process any requests for print books and get them ready for collection on the Friday. This ensures we comply with government requirements of 72 hours quarantine for handled books.

    This means that if you want a print book, you have to request it by Monday lunchtime for it to be available to collect on Friday morning.

    Unfortunately, the library cannot post books out to you so please, only request a print book if you are able to collect it.

    You will have been advised in recent communication from the University as to whether you are able to travel onto campus so we ask you to use these services accordingly.

    If you need to contact us, use can use LiveChat on the library homepage; email us at; book an appointment with a librarian; or call us on Teams.



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