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    National Apprenticeship Week 2021 - Megan's experience as a chartered surveyor degree apprentice!

    10 February 2021

    As National Apprenticeship Week continues, the Apprenticeship team asked Megan Rogers about her journey so far studying the Level 6 Chartered Surveyor (Rural) Degree Apprenticeship.

    Megan is one of three apprentices currently employed at Berrys, working towards her chartered surveyor degree apprenticeship. She works within the rural business team where she can support clients with farm management, tenancy and licenses. She works with other parts of the business too, as they are often interlinked with her apprentice role.

    Megan started at Berrys on work experience while at college and then became employed as an apprentice. She chose the apprenticeship route as it suited her learning style; she prefers to learn by putting things into practice, so she is able to attend lectures at university to gain in-depth knowledge and then apply this in the workplace.

    Megan didn’t want to move away from home and didn’t think that academic study would fit with her learning preference, so was pleased to have the option of studying at university to become a chartered surveyor and have the ability to apply knowledge straight away.

    She also said that it has been useful to have experience of dealing with a diverse client group early in her career as they can have different expectations of how they wish to be dealt with; an apprenticeship gave Megan the opportunity to do this at an early stage.

    Berrys has a long-standing relationship with Harper Adams University through providing placements for students, jobs for graduates, and assisting in research projects. Megan said the university seemed a perfect fit for her degree apprenticeship as many of her colleagues have also studied at the university in the past.

    She also commented that her work colleagues are very encouraging and make time to help when needed. Senior managers are also very supportive within Berrys and Megan feels this has a massive impact on her motivation to succeed.

    The Covid-19 pandemic has meant a move to remote teaching. Initially Megan was concerned it would mean she would miss out on some elements of learning. However, she feels it has been of benefit. She is able to listen back to lectures if she wants to recover a topic. Along with this, the lecturers are on hand with support via Microsoft Teams or a phone call – they are just as readily available as they would be on campus.

    Megan shared that her experience at Harper Adams has been positive and she can see the benefits of being part of the Harper community. She said that during discussions with clients and colleagues, she has found other professionals who have been to the university in the past, so they share common ground.

    Are you ready to explore Degree Apprenticeships? Please contact our apprenticeships team at to find out more about becoming an apprentice and part of our community!

    Written by Carol Rogers, Apprenticeships Manager



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