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    Successful bid to the Trees for Telford Scheme

    10 March 2021

    The University recently applied to the Trees for Telford Scheme, set up to help the Borough Council respond to its Climate Emergency Declaration.  Following a successful application, 100 native species have been awarded to the University consisting of oak, beech, crab apple and silver birch.  Plans are underway to identify suitable planting locations. It is hoped that this tree planting will also support hedgehog populations are both oak and beech leaf fall creates the perfect nesting bedding for hibernating hedgehogs. 

    Nationally there is a Government target to achieve 30,000 hectares of new woodland in England by 2025 and to help tackle climate change, the number of trees planted needs to be scaled up. The latest Government figures show that the UK is falling behind its tree-planting targets.  Trees are a vital means to capture carbon, reduce flooding, create new habitats for wildlife, improve health and wellbeing and increase community spirit.

    The scheme is delivered by Telford & Wrekin Council and is overseen by a Harper placement student, Jack Everist, (BSc wildlife conservation and environmental management) who is fulfilling the role of Ecology and Green Infrastructure Assistant for the Council whilst on placement. 



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