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Harper Adams University is slowly and carefully welcoming back students, but it is not only the students who are excited to be back on campus, as lecturers have shared their excitement about getting back to face-to-face teaching.
Great to be out and about again, albeit masked and distanced with ?@HarperAdamsUni? Ag final year students this afternoon learning more about Regen Ag. Thank you for a very thought provoking afternoon ?@Churchfarmkav? pic.twitter.com/8zJwGN0e4u
— Louisa Dines (@dines_louisa) April 29, 2021
Today at @HarperAdamsUni #Zoology students have been carrying out small mammal surveys, amphibian surveys, Year 2 #entomology students spent the day surveying insects. Some students looked at hedgerow plants with me. Small, careful steps but it’s great to have students back.
— John Reade (@DrJohnReade) April 29, 2021
Back to classes - #vetphysio for dairy cows @HarperAdamsUni @theBCVA pic.twitter.com/0UVuTt5Qxf
— @VetPhysioHAU (@vetphysiohau) April 29, 2021
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