5 May 2021
Jack Wyatt and Tom Beach, both Harper Adams Agricultural Engineering graduates, have been interviewed by LAMMA365 and BBC Radio 4 Farming Today about their joint business, Autonomous Agri Solutions – a company aiming to bring autonomous tractors from Denmark to the UK.
Jack and Tom explain that after attending a Douglas Bomford Trust backed trip to Agritechnica in 2019 and witnessing the Robotti – a robotic multi-purpose agricultural tool carrier developed by Agrointeli - they realised that this was the way forward in farming.
The legality, safety and liability laws of autonomous vehicles in the UK are behind those of Denmark, but fortunately for Jack and Tom, these laws are now being reviewed and clarified here.
Everything has been postponed due to the pandemic, including the Robotti’s debut, but Jack and Tom, pending the lifting of Covid-19 regulations, plan on holding Robotti demonstrations across the UK later this year.
If you want to be the future of agricultural machinery, check out the courses here.
Read the original article in full on LAMMA365 and to listen to Tom talk to BBC Radio 4 Farming today about Autonomous Agri Solutions here.
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