Chloe Hayes, a Harper Adams REALM graduate, has spoken to The Farmers Guardian about what motivated her to become a rural chartered surveyor and how she got her dream career at Stephensons Rural.
Chloe, who is not from an agricultural background, explains to the publication how she decided to work towards a career in the rural sector after undertaking work experience both at a local surveyor firm and at farms in the vicinity.
To pursue her chosen career Chloe, had to study a Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) accredited degree such as REALM, gain two years of work experience – one of which was her placement year - and sit further exams including a two-day oral, written and practical examination, and an interview.
Chloe admits that when she started looking around at potential future careers, she had not heard of a rural chartered surveyor before but now thinks more should be done to get young people into the profession.
If you want to be outstanding in your REALM like Chloe, look at the RICS accredited course we offer here at Harper Adams
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