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27 August 2021
With approximately 9.6 million dogs owned as pets or working animals in the UK – according to the PDSA - dogs form an integral part of our lives, but dogs are also crucial to some of our courses here at Harper Adams. So, to celebrate Dog Day we'd like to introduce some of our canine staff members – the teaching dogs of Harper Adams.
Drake (top right)
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Age: 4 years
Favourite food: Chicken and tuna
Favourite thing to do: Play with his frisbee and chase squirrels
Other information: Drake likes to get involved in all aspects of teaching as he thinks everyone is there to fuss him. He thrives on having a job to do and he loves people and other animals. He lives with two cats who boss him around and he dislikes bath time! It takes a lot of time and effort to keep Drake looking good because he has a very thick double coat.
Owner: Katherine Hart.
Frankie (bottom right)
Breed: Dachshund
Age: 4 Months (born 17th April 2021)
Favourite food: Other people’s lunch but if they don’t want to share then chicken treats.
Favourite thing to do: Meeting new people, going for walks and playing with other dogs (whether they want to play or not!)
Other Information: Frankie is the newest member of the doggie teaching team. I adopted her from The Dogs Trust in June. She is still a trainee so she hasn’t been involved in any teaching yet. She comes into the office with me and socialises with the other dogs and staff and we visit some of the teaching spaces she will be working in. It is really important that the dogs are relaxed when they are teaching so we are showing Frankie that coming to work is fun!
Owner: Charlotte Whalley
Inca (bottom left)
Breed: Labrador
Age: 7 years
Favourite food: Chicken and cheese (although she only gets these when they fall off my children’s plates – sometimes on purpose!). she also loves peanut butter!
Favourite thing to do: Inca loves swimming after her tennis ball, either in the river or in the sea. She also loves spending the day on the beach.
Other Information: Inca is involved in teaching both the veterinary nurses and veterinary physio students, she is a very good, tolerant dog so can be used for anything! Although her favourite sessions are usually those that involve the water treadmill or hydro pool and a bit of massage – wish we could all be so lucky! She has always loved coming into work and spending time with both staff and students and is also good stress relief for those students that are missing their own dogs or just need to fuss a dog to feel better and less stressed. All the students know Inca and she is very fond of them and must say hello to everyone in the room before starting a session!
Owner: Lucy Evans
Pippin (Middle Left)
Breed: Labrador
Age: 1
Favourite food: Anything!
Favourite things to do: He loves to swim to retrieve, play, work and generally be loved. He adores his little people and will often be found having tea parties and cuddles with his littlest human friend.
Owner: Louisa Huntington
Floss and Morris (Middle Right)
Floss (on left)
Breed: Labrador
Age: 5
Favourite food: Anything you have, that she doesn't!
Favourite thing to do: Rolling in unmentionables and going to the beach! Sometimes these are combined for ultimate fun.
Owner: Helen O’Neill
Morris (on right)
Breed: Labrador
Age: 8
Favourite food: Most things - he is a lab!
Favourite thing to do: Loves a tennis ball and sunbathing in the garden.
Owner: Helen O’Neill
Alba (Top Left)
Breed: Working cocker spaniel
Age: 5 years old
Favourite food: Anything edible - but particularly oranges.
Favourite thing to do: Either sleeping on the sofa or chasing her tennis ball (she goes from one extreme to the other - there is no in-between!)
Other Information: Alba enjoys helping the students learn important skills like clinical examinations, correct handling techniques and physiotherapy treatments but she mostly likes taking any opportunity to steal a cuddle on their laps! She also likes socialising with her other 'doggy teachers' in between sessions.
Owner: Sara Townsend.
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