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4 November 2021
BSc (Hons) Agri-Food Marketing and Business student, Zoe Legg went from having no interest in agriculture or going to university to “loving every second of her degree” and looking to embrace an agricultural career.
Showjumping enthusiast Zoe has not had the easiest of journeys to where she is now: “Mix together a Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosis at sixteen, some medical complications, a spell of anorexia, and the passing away of my father, who single handily ran the family farm - and you have my journey to Harper Adams.”
Even though Zoe has had to face more challenges than most in her young life, she is adamant that she would not be enjoying her studies if it was not for -as she says -“these little life hiccups”.
The show-jumping enthusiast has just started her second year of studies and has really enjoyed her degree so far.
“The interactive lessons in the labs and going on the farm have been the best parts – I’ve found that the interactive elements of the course stick in my brain better and help me relate what I’ve learned in lectures to actual real-life scenarios,” says Zoe.
“Ultimately it was the practical nature and hands-on approach of Harper Adams and its placement year that convinced me that it was the university for me, but, I also believe that Harper chose me. It was a very last-minute decision to come, as in the week before the first term began but it just felt right - I honestly could not imagine feeling so at home at any other university.”
The 21-year-old is incredibly passionate about British Agriculture and cites that as the reason she has enjoyed the food chain and food production modules the most - but Zoe’s interest in Britain’s agricultural industry extends outside of her studies as she runs letsgobritish, an Instagram account that celebrates British farming.
Zoe’s first year at university, like so many other students was cut short by Covid-19 but she says that: “I’ve become very close to those in my halls of residence bubble and the wardens, clubs, and societies have really made university life incredibly fun whilst following the regulations.
Even though the NFU Student and Young Farmer Ambassador has only just started her university career, Zoe has big plans for her future.
“I have a business idea that I want to set up and I also want to go into International Equine Events Management, I’m currently doing lots of temporary voluntary jobs in England and I’m hoping to go abroad once travel restrictions have eased.”
“I cannot emphasise how happy I am that I decided to come to Harper Adams – it's one of the best decisions I have ever made,” says Zoe.
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