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Wednesday afternoons are a sacred thing here at Harper. they are dedicated to clubs. this can include training with the sports teams and going shooting or riding. For me wednesdays are all about motorsport. the tinkering with cars and the joy of thrashing them round knowing that you helped build a masterpiece. This wednesday was one of varied jobs. The main priority was getting the tomcar ready for a corporate event the next day cleaning and hoovering it, just the mundane stuff but rewarding seeing it gleaming in the sun afterwards. After this we embarked on a mission to find a trailer for it, although our search was fruitless we had plenty of fun bombing around the gravel tracks and back areas of harper in a landrover. Then a bit of rearanging was in order to keep all our spare engines stored nice and tidily. Finally I finished off the afternoon doing a burnout in a rally car because we have a rally car so why not!
In short wednesdays can be as rewarding as the effort youre willing to make for the clubs you take part in and who doesnt love driving round in random bits of light and heavy plant all day in the sun?
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