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    Harper students and alumni help mark #Farm24 2022

    4 August 2022

    With a wealth of students and graduates working across the food and farming sector, this year’s #Farm24 has as strong a Harper Adams representation as ever.

    Here’s just a selection of some of the things our students and alumni are getting involved in this year during the day – supported by Farmer’s Guardian and Morrisons.

    Placement student Lucy is at Kubota UK, where she’s taken a starring role in this video:


    At SRH Agribusiness, Katie has been getting out and about, talking to farmers to offer advice and support.

    Meanwhile,  Evie is lending her support across a variety of roles…


    …while a return home for fellow student Charles has seen him lending a hand on the combine.


    Our Harper Adams alumni are also out there supporting the day, including Susie at Openfield…


    ...Jessica (and friend!)...


    View this post on Instagram

    A post shared by Jessica Spencer (@jessicamspencer)


    …and MDS trainee Eloise.

     Meanwhile, our academics are marking the day on the combine:


    And graduates of our Marshall Pawpworth Short Course are taking the #Farm24 message to a global audience.


    If you’re a Harper student or graduate out there marking #Farm24, do make sure to tag us in – it’s great to see all the different ways we’re supporting British food and farming!



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