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    Hands Free Harvest 2022 - another successful year of autonomous farming

    20 September 2022

    The Hands Free Farm harvest for 2022 has been completed - marking another successful year of autonomous farming.

    The farm, based on the University estate in Shropshire, is the successor of the multi-award winning Hands Free Hectare, which started in 2016 with the aim to be the first in the world to grow, tend and harvest a crop without operators in the driving seats or agronomists on the ground.

    The project has run in partnership between Harper Adams and Precision Decisions, along with the UK division of Australian precision agriculture specialist, Farmscan AG.

    This year's harvest saw some of the delays any farm faces at this time of year - such as the changeable British weather and machinery issues - but by September, the crops had once again been brought autonomously in.

    As the Hands Free team prepare to host industry partners and invited guests today, follow their harvest -  from high summer to early autumn - with this social media round up.
























    The team also welcomed David Gregory-Kumar from the BBC - with a piece going out live on the lunchtime news, a further piece on BBC News 24, and an interview on Radio 4's Farming Today which you can listen back to here.

















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