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    British Farming Awards finalist - Lucy Hinch

    22 September 2022

    Three Harper Adams University students are in the final four for the British Farming Awards Agricultural Student of the Year, 2022. 

    Lucy Hinch has just graduated with BSc (Hons) Agriculture and is passionate about the poultry industry. 

    Read all about her on the BFA website.

    After being shortlisted, Lucy said: "It feels unbelievable - maybe my friends are right calling me the crazy chicken lady!

    “Being from a mixed farm back home, predominantly free-range laying hens, I wanted to continue my education onto degree level and the BSc (Hons) Agriculture degree seemed perfect as it offered a good mix of arable, livestock and business.

    “I loved every minute of Harper; I already miss it-  I have met some of the best people and made memories forever.”



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