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New facilities upgraded at Harper Adams University this summer have already begun making their mark – being used not only by undergraduate students and at Open Days, but also for the teaching of short courses, offering professionals the chance to upgrade and extend their skills.
In this blog, Veterinary Nursing lecturer Kat Hart explains what one such day entailed, who came along, and what they learned – and sets out how a whole range of courses are set to take place over the coming months.
This course was aimed at Registered Veterinary Nurses and Veterinary Surgeons with all levels of experience and involvement with hospitalised canine and feline patients.
It was ideal for those who are actively involved with the placement and management of a range of medical devices - and for those who may have been less familiar but who wished to learn more.
The ultimate goal of the course was to assist veterinary professionals in delivering the highest standard of care to their patients and maximising patient outcomes.
The first part of the day was spent covering the theoretical aspects of the topic through a variety of lectures and case-based discussions – these were in our upgraded Veterinary Nursing facilities, which form part of the wider Veterinary Education Centre.
In the afternoon, teaching was delivered in the clinical laboratories where delegates were able to practise a variety of practical skills such as placing naso-oesophageal feeding tubes, tracheostomy tubes and central lines. It was a full nine-to-five day of learning!
Teaching in the new facilities was great, as the new open spaces provided a comfortable and refreshing environment for both delegates and lecturers.
The lecturers made use of the technology in the teaching rooms - includingthe monitor screens dotted around the room - which allowed all delegates to see the PowerPoint slides comfortably.
It seems they were happy with their day – with feedback including:
We are currently in the planning stages of creating new courses and further information is available on the short courses section of the Harper Adams.
Course areas include Anaesthesia for the critical patient, Behaviour, Diagnostic imaging for Veterinary Burses, Exotics, Nephrology and urology for Veterinary Nurses, Nursing the cardiorespiratory patient, Nursing the diabetes mellitus patient and Physiotherapy and rehabilitation for Veterinary Nurses.
Meanwhile, for anyone whose interest has been raised by this blog, this course - Practical techniques for Intensive Care - will also be delivered again in the coming months!
To find out more about the Short Courses mentioned in this blog, click on the relevant course in our Animals Short Course section here.
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