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15 December 2022
According to our 2022 Graduate Outcome results, 97.4 per cent of Harper Adams students are in full time employment or further education 15 months after graduating – nearly five per cent higher than the sector average.
With our industry placement year, highly applied, practical degrees and internationally excellent research; the world is a Harper graduate’s oyster.
Every year Graduate Outcomes attempts to measure the degree experience of our graduating students. This year, 81 per cent of our 2019/2020 cohort said they felt they were currently utilising what they learned during their studies, with 92 per cent reporting that their work was meaningful – a record high for Harper Adams.
Our undergraduate industry placement sends hundreds of students out into the working world every year – with a noticeable difference upon their return. “They go [on placement] as students and return as young professionals with a drive and ambition for their future career – which is both admirable and infectious” says Placement Manager, Terry Pickthall. “The students we send out into the workplace each year and the quality of jobs they secure never fail to amaze us.”
The latest Government Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) results also support the need for industry-ready graduates – something which we produce in abundance.
According to the survey, students completing placement – or sandwich – degrees are more likely than those not completing placements to still be in employment one, three, five and ten years after graduation.
They also earn more on average; with the biggest pay gap occurring 10 years after graduating, with placement graduates earning £12,000 more per year than their closest fulltime counterpart.
But what about the academic years when our students aren’t out on placement?
Every Harper Adams degree is underpinned by six common graduate attribute goals, in addition to their subject-specific elements, including: global impact, digital adaptability, career growth and applied learning. These attributes allow every student to develop the vital transferable skills, both academic and personal, to succeed in the commercial world.
Professor Ken Sloan, University Vice Chancellor, said: “Our courses are co-developed with industry partners and our students are engaged throughout their studies with the real-world challenges and opportunities that industry partners face. That is why many of our graduates hold senior roles in a wide range of organisations.
“It is most pleasing that Harper Adams University continues to build on its reputation with employers.”
Ready to start your Harper journey? There’s still time to apply before the UCAS deadline on 25th of January. Download our digital prospectus here to explore your future, today.
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