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    Farmers Weekly Question Time at Harper Adams - our social media roundup.

    6 February 2023

    The inaugural Farmers Weekly Question Time has been held at Harper Adams in front of a packed theatre.

    The new live show offered the chance to see policy makers and influential figures talking about key agricultural topics and current affairs - with the panellists at Harper Adams including Minister of State for Food, Farming and Fisheries, the Rt Hon Mark Spencer MP, Harper Adams Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Lee, author and sustainable food expert Vicki Herd, and arable farming YouTuber Olly Harrison.

    The event proved a huge hit - both with its in-person audience and on social media, as our round-up shows: 

















    See more about Minister of State for Food, Farming and Fisheries, the Rt Hon Mark Spencer MP, visiting Harper Adams University in this news piece.



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