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    Harper Adams holds Charity Football Match

    31 March 2023

    Staff, students and guests came together for a charity football tournament run by the Harper Adams Student Union’s RAG Society to support mental health charities in the rural community. 

    The day began with a welcome speech, delivered by University Secretary, Dr Catherine Baxter, on behalf of Vice-Chancellor Professor Ken Sloan, who was at an academic twinning event in London.

    Catherine said: “On Professor Sloan’s and on my behalf, we are grateful to everyone who has taken the time to come together in this show of strength, solidarity and comfort. We hope that it makes a difference to everyone who is here, giving us all the courage to say, 'I am not okay' when that is how we feel, and provide those around us with the encouragement to step up for us when we need it.” 

    There was a live DJ, food catered by Wok ‘n’ Roll, and a raffle with tickets available to purchase on the day, with all proceeds going to Yellow Wellies and YANA.

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    Chairman of Harper Adams Football Club, Tom York, who we spoke to in the run up to the event, was one of the driving forces behind the charity football match, with support from the Students’ Union and local businesses.

    He said: “The tournament was overwhelming, seeing students with completely different interests and abilities come together to all compete in the same sport was incredible.  

    “The money, awareness, and recognition that we’ve managed to raise about the issues with mental health has made me feel as though it was a great success. 

    “The support that I’ve received from the SU, University, but most importantly fellow students have made me realise what a strong community Harper Adams is. Hopefully, this can become an annual event, and can carry on through many years to come.” 





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