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    Pride Month 2023: Our social media roundup

    30 June 2023

    Throughout June, we've been marking Pride Month at Harper Adams.

    Pride Month is dedicated to celebrating acceptance, equality and the work of LGBTQ+ people.

    We've shared stories from our employees, students and alumni about what the month means to them and the work they're doing on campus - and beyond to promote equality and acceptance.

    On this blog, you can read our lecturer Lucy Catley and her son Elijah's story here.

    You can read how Jamie Reynolds, the Student Union's LGBTQ+ Representative, worked with our employees to promote allyship here.

    And you can catch up with a host of social media posts from our employees,students and alumni from across the month below.








     We flew the flag throughout the month (and will keep it flying beyond...)



     ..and our work on making our campus an inclusive space is part of campus life, day to day and year on year.






     So, from us to you... Happy Pride!



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