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    Careers and Placement Fair 2023 - the social media reaction

    15 November 2023

    Employers from across the country have visited Harper Adams to talk to the University’s students at our annual Careers and Placement Fair.

    With a land property and environment day held last month, yesterday’s fair focused on the food, engineering, agriculture, animal, business and environmental and veterinary employment sectors.

    The day drew more than 120 employers and also saw a strong alumni presence as former students returned to talk to the current cohort about how their studies had helped prepare them for the work they are now doing.

    Careers Advisor and Service Manager Maria Simpson said: “The day was a huge success and very busy – and it was great to see some familiar faces represented among the employers, from students who graduated this September right through to those who have gone on to forge long-term careers in industry after leaving Harper.

    “I’d like to thank all the employers, our staff, and of course, our students, for making this year’s fairs a huge success!”

    Catch up with some of the many social posts from the day here.






















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