A new Menopause Support Network has been launched at Harper Adams which aims to bring together anyone affected by the menopause.
The network has been set up after a group of staff found themselves discussing the need for support for those going through the menopause.
Assistant Academic Support Librarian Lisa Hough, who will act as a point of contact for the network, said: “Several staff themselves recognised the need for a group like this, which is why we started to explore setting up the network.”
The network will be open to all, with participants being able to choose if they wish to be in mixed groups, all-female groups or all male groups, and is informally structured so that each group can be led by its participants.
Lisa added: “Whether it's supporting a loved one, a work colleague or experiencing it yourself, just like puberty, this time of transition has its ups and downs and navigating them alone can be difficult.
“Talking, sharing and learning from each other; signposting each other to additional information and support; even reviewing the literature could all be useful to us.
“It will be down to the groups themselves to decide what the aim of each group is – whether that is information gathering, mutual support, discussion et cetera. Everyone is welcome – people who may be going through the menopause, people supporting others, and people who may have gone through the menopause who want to discuss what worked for them.
“We’re being supported by HR – Human Resources Advisor Holly Wellburn has helped to set the Network up – but these groups, which will have around eight people in each, will be driven by their members.
“We are also looking to increase our resource and information on the menopause – both in managing it and in supporting others to manage it.”
To find out more about the Network and to sign up, simply scan the QR code in the image below, visit: harper.ac.uk/harpermsn or speak to Lisa in the Library.
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