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    Reaction to UK Sausage Week continues to grow

    10 October 2017

     Last week at the Regional Food Academy, over 400 entries were evaluated for the UK Sausage Week competition.The aim of UK Sausage Week is to boost trade and support for the industry, through raising the profile of sausages over the seven day period running from the 30th October-5th November. The event has been designed by Meat Management magazine to replace the usual autumn British Sausage Week.

    The Ladies in Pigs gathered at the test kitchens located at the Regional Food Academy to put sausages to a taste and quality test, choosing the best two sausages in 13 categories covering traditional and innovative types. The winners as well as UK Supreme Champion will be recognised in a celebratory lunch in London, on the first day of UK Sausage Week.

    For recipes and interesting sausage related information follow: Twitter



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