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Dual award winner Lucy Berriman, 23, from Beverley, Yorkshire, has been awarded the Taylor McNally Award and Roberts’ Prize.
The Taylor McNally Award is given to the student who produced the best BSc Poultry Investigational Project.
Lucy, 23, a first class honours Bioveterinary Science graduate from Harper Adams University received the Taylor McNally Award for her honours research project (HRP) entitled: The effects of two dietary phytonutrients betaine and sotolon and coccidial vaccination challenge on broiler chicken performance and gut health.
In addition, Lucy received the Roberts’ Prize for achieving the highest mark out of the BSc Animals courses for her honours research project.
Lucy presented the findings from her honours research project at the spring meeting of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA) in Chester, 2017.
Since graduating Lucy has pursued a career in the poultry industry, she now works for Kilco International Ltd as a poultry biosecurity field technician for South West England.
Lucy said: “My time at Harper has been fun and challenging, I’m now ready to focus on my ambition of becoming a director of a company in the poultry industry.”
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