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    Meet the graduates: Annabel Swiers

    23 October 2017

    Annabel Swiers, 25, from Boroughbridre, North Yorkshire was awarded the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers Prize when she graduated from Harper Adams University.

    The award is presented to the top postgraduate/masters student who obtained the highest overall mark in module: Revenue, Law, and Statutory Valuation.

    Annabel, 27, completed the MSc Rural Estate and Land Management programme and has since started working as a graduate rural surveyor at Bidwells in their St Albans Office.

    Annabel said: “To further my career, I have ambitions to complete an APC (Assessment of Professional Competence) to become a chartered surveyor and complete CAAV (Central Association of Agricultural Valuers) exams which will help me to progress through the firm.”

    Annabel grew up on a farm in North Yorkshire and completed her undergraduate degree at Edinburgh University. She then worked in residential lettings in Edinburgh and decided she wanted to combine her rural background with her interest in property and land management, which led her to Harper Adams University.

    Annabel said: “My year at Harper Adams University was brilliant. I have met some great people both staff and fellow students. Whilst the course is intense everyone is happy to help with any query no matter how small. The land management careers fair held in November proved very beneficial and an ideal opportunity to meet potential employers.’’




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